
Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Excel Unused Formula No.1 Concatenate

Excel is really a great gift from Microsoft, but are we making use the most of it? This is one question that might strike to all of us. Forget the macros, other than the macros you have a lot of formulae which could help you do your work in a much more simpler and timely manner.


Figure # 1: Screenshot of the formula concatenate when entered in excel

Concatenate formula helps you to join the contents of two or more cells (max 30) in to a single cell.
We can understand how concatenate can be used through an example.

I had to enter a list of invoices raised by a company in to excel. All the invoice numbers had a prefix “April”. The invoice numbers were as follows April/1, April/2…… April/100. This is how I used concatenate to reduce my work.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks can you also suggest me how to break one sentence to two fields using a seperator
